Supporting you to win business

What this might look and feel like:

  • You have a tender of any scale requiring social value expertise or evidence of local economic value
  • You’re grappling with public sector procurement guidelines
  • You’re aiming to appeal to funders, investors or major donors

Social Value Business proudly supports our clients to tackle and win bids ranging from £10k charitable grants to £5bn framework awards. We’ve seen almost every variation of application form and offer you all our insight, skill and knowledge.

Your tailored Social Value journey might include:

Tender writingWhether you’re tendering for private or public sector work, we can shape your technical responses to address the needs of the funder or commissioner. With decades of experience, we know what best practice looks like and what funders look for – to the extent we’ve acted as advisers to the Cabinet Office and are the preferred trainers for Modern Gov.

We’ll help you confidently tackle questions about governance, process, measurement and strategy, and align your answers to emerging legislation, the UN Sustainability Goals and central government toolkits, as needed.

Critical friendIf you have an urgent tender deadline, the sooner you contact us, the faster we can get started to maximise your chance of success. If it’s too late for us to support the bid writing process, we’ll offer ‘critical friend’ support – an independent, expert eye to address gaps, strengthen key sections and add value.

PlanFunding applications will often request an action plan – a pathway setting out what you will deliver, by when, and with key value indicators (your measures of success). You may also be asked for governance structures and stakeholder maps.

Working with partners Sonar Engagement, we’ll set out achievable, measurable and impactful actions at a community-specific level, as needed.

For large framework bids, we take this to the next level, by developing bespoke projects and partnerships that can deliver transformational legacy value beyond the immediate contract.

impact analysis Being able to explain your impact to funders – both in monetary and social terms – is essential. It’s likely they’ll ask for robust evidence of how your services or products create social impact – such as wellbeing, carbon reduction or local economic value. This is about gaining competitive advantage – additional reasons to choose your organisation over another bidder.

We’ll work with you to assess where best to focus your efforts for maximum impact, based on evidence gathered from the audiences you serve. We’ll help you arrive at a set of metrics to articulate your impact, together with an overall Social Return on Investment (SROI) figure.

Sonar Engagement sIf your social value bid requires a place-based approach, Sonar Engagement can support with community connection. They offer community mapping to enable organisations to build their social value plans around local need. They also support with grassroots engagement by bringing organisations together with local stakeholders.

Speak to us about your community-based needs and we’ll involve Sonar to create a coordinated response.

CommunicationsYou know you have a brilliant vision – a sense of the great things you’ll achieve with the benefit of more funding. You’re itching to spread this sense of purpose but can’t quite articulate it. The highest bid scores tend to be awarded to those with clarity of vision and the ability to take others on the journey.

Our in-house Communications Specialist can work with you to:

  • Shape your story, bringing clarity, energy and impact to your bid
  • Establish the points of connection, such as who you’ll need to influence and how
  • Consider your onwards communications campaign – if successful, what communications will be needed to help enable delivery?