Social Value Business, UK specialists in social value development, training and reporting, is to create a new National Index of Social Value. The Index will benchmark organisations from different industries based on the positive impact they create for society, relative to size and turnover.
For the organisations included, SVB says the Index will provide a useful benchmark of how they stack up against peers and competitors when it comes to their social impact. It will set companies apart for investing in social, economic and environmental initiatives that benefit their stakeholders. This might be through training programmes and educational partnerships, community volunteering, wellbeing or diversity programmes.
Entry to the National Index of Social Value will be free and automatic for any organisations undertaking accreditation through the Social Value Quality Mark. It will be used as an additional tool to add value for clients and promote transparency in social impact measurement.
Richard Dickins, MD, SVB, says: “We’re delighted to be starting work on this new National Index of Social Value, which is poised to support organisations to identify their position relative to others in the market.
“It perfectly complements our aim at Social Value Business to support organisations to realise their total value. It will give our clients an extra tool through which to better understand, assess and improve their impact.”
Entry to the Index opens in January 2025 with organisations due to be informed of their position later next year. To register interest, contact
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